Collection: Furioso


Winemaking is in my family. It is the lingering scent of crushed grapes; the vivid memory of my grandfather tasting from each barrel in our home cellar. It is the tendrils of the vine that held my famiglia together as we moved from Italy to Canada to the United States. It is the magic of fermentation, the transformative process of life as an artist, and now, at last a vineyard owner. It is the gift of family, an extension of the Furioso line, the fruit of a lifetime’s experience. It is my greeting to you, in fellowship and in health.

-Giorgio Furioso, Founder & Owner

Furioso Vineyard

 Our Dundee Hills estate Furioso Vineyard, previously known as the Juliard Vineyard, was first established in 1972. The majority of the estate’s vines are 30-year-old self-rooted Pommard clones and are highly acclaimed by many local winemakers for producing world-class quality fruit. In 2017 we added one acre of Chardonnay: clones Dijon 76, 96, and 96, producing a Furioso Vineyard Chardonnay for the first time in 2020. Facing due South with an elevation from 400 to 502 feet, this sunny site is perfectly situated to produce exquisite Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. 

We began farming the site organically in 2019 and are currently transitioning to a no-till farming system while working towards organic certification.

Trovato Vineyard

Planted in the fall of 2015 the Trovato Vineyard is an expansion of the Furioso Estate. Translating to “to find” in Italian and named for Giorgio’s mother, Anna Trovato, the vineyard is a 79 acre site in the Yamhill-Carlton AVA. It consists of 18 blocks of 15 different vitis vinifera clones on roughly 23 acres under vine at an elevation ranging from 500′ to 673′ above sea level.

The site is a prime example of the Yamhill-Carlton AVA, consisting of ancient marine sedimentary soils and mid to high elevation well-draining slopes. These soils will tend to produce a more concentrated, minerality-driven wine in comparison to those from our Dundee Hills estate.

In April of 2021 we commenced work on our newest endeavor: a two-acre olive grove consisting of four northern Italian varietals, to be completed in 2022.

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