Collection: Pian delle Ginestre

Pian delle Ginestre
Pian delle Ginestre Winery is a historical enterprise in the heart of Montalcino, owned by Mrs Grazia Ciacci Bellocci Natalini, descendent from Ciacci Family, ancient and highly valued landholders and wine producers in Montalcino. Legal Head Office is located in Montalcino oldtown, at via Spagni 37, beside the main Cathedral and inside the Family historical Palace. This building's origins are from Middle Ages and it's said to be the Residence of that time People Leader, called "Podestà", who used to have a political role within the local government and was supposed to look after the rising middle classe's interests. Inside the building's cellars are still visible, even if blinded by now, some tunnels, who seem to be heading at that time outside Montalcino walls and inside the main Cathedral.

On the south west corner of the Palace, at Vicolo Sant'Antonio, is located our Wine Store where our products are available for direct sale. The main Winery is instead situated at 300m  above sea level, just inside the most vocated Brunello di Montalcino production area, and it extends for about  90 hectares with 2.850 secular olive trees situated at different heights, and 5,5 hectares of vineyards certified for the production of Brunello wine.  The remaining  part of the estate comprises, in addition to wine and olive oil production areas, arable fields and woodland,
where a Game Reserve is also available.

7 products